Thursday, July 9, 2009

Missionary Photoshoots!!

Hey Everyone.

As a proud member of the LDS Church and a supporter of missionaries, Michael Scott Photography offers free ( yes, FREE ) photoshoots to those missionaries about to go and serve. I have seen too many missionary plaques with unflattering photographs. You know what im talkin about.. the harsh flash with the missionary smiling big at the camera leaning up against the white living room wall. Well no more!! Michael Scott Photography will make your missionary look like the honorable servant he or she is! If youre interested please contact me! My contact information is back on my home page at

What's included?

-For what's included read the information under the My Packages section.

Please try and schedule 1-2 months before leaving. Thanks!

Here are some missionary shots I took for some of the greatest guys I've ever been priviledged to call my friends.